Shaikh Muḥammad Al-Muḥammad Al-Kasnazān Al-Ḥusaynī
A Life in the Footsteps of the Best of Lives
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This Book
This is the blessed biography of a prominent personality of Islam and a leading light in the sphere of Sufism and knowledge of Allah. Sayyid Shaikh Muhammad al-Muhammad al-Kasnazan al-Husayni is the Master of Tariqa ‘Aliyya Qadiriyya Kasnazaniyya, one of the largest Sufi Tariqas with followers throughout the world. Tariqa Kasnazaniyya, as the name is usually abbreviated, traces its roots to the source of all Sufi ways, the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). Our Shaikh is a descendant of the Prophet (PBUH) from both parental sides.
This biography of Shaikh Muhammad al-Muhammad al-Kasnazan is written in a unique way. It is presented in the context of explaining the Sufi approach to drawing near to Allah. At the same time, the book expounds Sufism, which represents the spiritual side of Islam, through the history of our honourable Shaikh. Being an excellent example of a Sufi life, our Shaikh’s biography explains Sufism and the Sufi way explains his life.
Through the study of the life of a practising man of divine knowledge, this book combines a general theoretical description of the spiritual side of Islam and an introduction to a specific practical Sufi system. It shows that Islam is knowledge and practice, thought and application, reason and heart, and a companion and an accompanied one. In essence, Islam is an experience of spiritual companionship: “May I follow you so that you teach me of that which you have been taught of guiding knowledge”? (al-Kahf 66).
Book Details
Table of Contents
1 Ṭarīqa: The Way to Allah
1.1 Iḥsān
1.2 Ṣuḥba (Companionship)
1.3 Purification Ṣuḥba
1.4 Knowledge of the Self
1.5 The Muḥammadan Inheritor
1.6 Obedience in Ṣuḥba
1.7 The Spiritual Touch
1.8 Ṭarīqa and Sharia
2 The Ṭarīqa ʿAlīyya Qādiriyya Kasnazāniyya
2.1 The Shortest Way to Allah
2.2 Imām ʿAlī Ibn Abī Ṭālib
2.3 Shaikh ʿAbd al-Qādir al-Gaylānī
2.4 Shaikh ʿAbd al-Karīm Shāh al-Kasnazān
2.5 The Kasnazānī Shaikhs
2.6 The Chain of Shaikhs
3 Muḥammadan Karāmas
3.1 Muʿjiza
3.2 Karāma
3.3 The Function of Karāmas
3.4 Source of Karāmas
3.5 The Diversity of Karāmas and their Causes
3.6 Darbāsha
3.7 Spiritual Dispensation
4 Noble Lineage
5 In the Care of a Spiritual Father and a Pious Mother
6 Eduction and Self-Learning
7 Defending the National Rights of the Kurds
7.1 Shaikhs of the Ṭarīqa and Resistance to Injustice and Aggression
7.2 Historical Background of the Modern Kurdish Movement in Iraq
7.3 The Role of Shaikhs ʿAbd al-Karīm and Muḥammad al-Muḥammad in Launching the Kurdish Movement in Iraq
7.4 Shaikh Muḥammad al-Muḥammad’s Military Activity
8 Family Life
9 Being Chosen for the Shaikhdom of the Ṭarīqa
9.1 Divine Appointment — Not Human Acquisition
9.2 The Designation of Shaikh Muḥammad al-Muḥammad al-Kasnazān
9.3 Shaikh Muḥammad al-Muḥammad’s Designation of His General Deputy
10 Shaikh of the Ṭarīqa
11 Muḥammadan Traits
11.1 The Necessity of Refined Manners for Spiritual Leadership
11.2 Prophetic Traits in Shaikh Muḥammad al-Muḥammad al-Kasnazān
11.2.1 Attractive Personality
11.2.2 Strategic Thinking
11.2.3 Multitasking
11.2.4 Working Hard
11.2.5 Modesty
11.2.6 Love for Children
11.2.7 Softheartedness
11.2.8 Helping the Poor and Needy
11.2.9 Charitableness Towards Orphans
11.2.10 Caring for the Mentally Ill
11.2.11 Compassion Towards Animals
11.2.12 Forbearance, Restraint, and Forgiveness
11.2.13 Cheerfulness of Countenance
11.2.14 Generosity
11.2.15 Giving Gifts
11.2.16 Interfaith Dialogue and Religious Tolerance
11.2.17 Loyalty
11.2.18 Joking
11.3 Promoting Prophetic Manners
12 Preaching
12.1 Increasing the Number of Caliphs, Training Them, and Sending Them to Preach
12.2 Delivering Sermons
12.3 Literature
12.4 Attributes of Kasnazānī Preaching
13 The Takya
13.1 The Ṭarīqa’s Head and Heart
13.2 The Shaikh’s Takya
13.3 Moving the Shaikh’s Takya to Baghdad
13.4 Karāmas of Building Takyas
13.4.1 The Ramādī Takya in Iraq
13.4.2 The Khartoum Takya in Sudan
13.4.3 The Bangalore Takya in India
14 Dhikrs
14.1 The Means to Reach Allah
14.2 Specific Dhikrs
14.3 Kasnazānī Dhikrs
14.4 Kasnazānī Dhikrs in the Era of Shaikh Muḥammad al-Muḥammad
14.4.1 Perennial Dhikrs
14.4.2 Daily Dhikrs
14.4.3 Prayers of Peace and Blessings Upon the Prophet (PBUH)
14.4.4 Dhikr Circle
14.4.5 Temporary Dhikrs
14.4.6 Individual Dhikrs
14.4.7 Ḥizb al-Wāw
14.5 The Shaikh’s Dhikrs
15 Riyāḍa (Spiritual Exercising)
16 Khalwa (Seclusion)
16.1 Al-Kasnazāniyya Khalwa
16.2 Shaikh Muḥammad al-Muḥammad al-Kasnazān’s Seclusions
16.3 Supernatural and Spiritual Experiences
17 Political Persecution Against the Ṭarīqa in Iraq
17.1 The Spread of the Ṭarīqa and the Obedience of Dervishes to the Shaikh
17.2 The Ṭarīqa’s Sources of Income
17.3 Harassment From the Authorities
17.4 Personal Persecution
17.5 Migration from Baghdad
17.6 Migration from Sulaymāniyya
18 Achievements
18.1 Reconstruction of Holy Sites
18.1.1 Visiting Holy Sites
18.2 The Muḥammadī Calendar
18.2.1 Converting Hijrī to Muḥammadī Dates
18.2.2 Converting Muḥammadī to Hijrī Dates
18.3 The Solar Date of the Birth of the Prophet (PBUH)
18.4 The Muḥammadī Shamsī Calendar
18.4.1 Converting Gregorian to Muḥammadī Shamsī Dates
18.4.2 Converting Muḥammadī Shamsī to Gregorian Dates
18.5 Al-Salām University College
18.6 Prophetic Odes
19 Interests
Biographical Timeline
A) Classical and Old Works
B) Modern Works
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