Biography of Shaikh Muhammad al-Muhammad al-Kasnazan

Shaikh Muḥammad was born on Friday 15/April/1938 CE in Kirpchina. He was raised in a family of most pious Shaikhs. From early childhood he showed much interest in all aspects of religion. He loved to help and protect the weak and stand in the face of injustice and wrongdoing. People who are mistreated and wronged would often seek his help which he would generously offer.


Biography of Shaikh ʿAbd al-Qadir al-Kasnazan

Shaikh ʿAbd al-Qādir al‑Kasnazan, who is the son of Shaikh ʿAbd al-Karīm Shāh al‑Kasnazan, was born in 1867 CE. He taught people the manners of the Prophet (PBUH) and renewed the light of Islam. The Shaikh was known for his patience, generosity, and care for the orphans, obeying the divine commandment: “ِAs for the orphan, do not oppress” (93.9). He remained in Iran and continued his mission of serving Islam until he left this world.


Biography of Shaikh ‘Abd al-Qadir al-Gaylani

Shaikh ʿAbd al-Qādir attained spiritual stations and states that no other Sufi Master after him reached. He was raised to such a status in the world of sainthood that in 1165 CE Allah ordered him to make his unique, well-known declaration: “My foot is on the neck of every saint,” as had already been predicted about him by Shaikh Ḥammād ad-Dabbās and some other saints.


Biography of Imam Ali bin Abi Talib

Imām ʿAlī [karrama Allah wajhah] is the only person to be born inside the Kaʿba, in Macca. He was born in 599 CE. Imām ʿAlī’s mother named him “Ḥaydara” which means “lion”. But it was Prophet Muḥammad (PBUH) himself who gave him his most known name. He held the newborn high and said “ʿAlī” which means “high”. About thirty years later, during the conquest of Khaibar, the Prophet (PBUH) conferred on Imām ʿAlī another of his famous titles, “al-Karrār” which means “the attacker.”
